The Deadliest Tsunamis Of All Time | Mega Disaster | Earth Stories


How The Deadliest Tsunami Type Created Multiple Waves And Mega Disasters
Have Been Started And What Pushes Waves To 45 Meters Overhead At Hawaii
And At  The Islands of Japan And Earthquakes And Landslides Do Cause The
Pressurization To Bring The Forces of Natture To Make Earthquakes And 
Landslides That Are The Forceful Events That Bring Forth The Strong And
Forceful Storms With Strength And Power To Make Waves That Go In 
Multiple Forces Building Stronger And Stronger And Higher Waves That
Have Devestating Strengrh And Carrying People And Vehicles And Homes 
And Buildings And All Types Of Boats Far Out Away From The Coastal
Shores And The December 26, 2004 Tsunami Had Caused The Worst Death
Toll of 230,000 People and the Carnage And Wreckage That Was Caused
Was Far More Severe Than Ever Before?


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